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June draws to a close, and we are now halfway through 2024. With warm summer weather coming, we look forward to the bright days ahead.

Quarter Two of 2024 gave us opportunities to highlight key forensic truths in significant incidents and continue the fight for justice through forensic analysis and visualizations. We look back on some of these highlights below and what to look forward to in the third quarter of 2024.

New Developments///

Case Closures///

17 Case Closures through Settlement or Verdicts

Case Closed icon

New Team Member: Mark Ka, Forensic Animator///

Mark Ka is the newest forensic animator to join the 3D Forensic team! Mark brings a wealth of 3D modelling and reconstruction knowledge to the Los Angeles team. With our continued growth, Mark will immediately expand our forensic visualization capacities and bring his expertise in courtroom productions to your cases.

Read Mark’s full background here.

Headshot of Mark Ka

Article Launch:///

When learning about 3D Forensic, audiences often see visually captivating, animated videos explaining unfortunate incidents. While 3D visualization is one of our greatest strengths, our firm sees 3D animation best as a tool used to effectively convey important scientific principles behind forensic incidents. It is not the realistic faces or shiny cars that convince a jury of fault, but the applicable concepts communicated effectively in these incidents.

There are some insightful scientific analyses and innovations behind the reconstructions of forensic incidents and even behind the creation of the animations themselves. As forensic scientists, educators and the pioneers of these processes, it is our goal to educate audiences on the science behind these visuals so that they can make educated decisions in the pursuit of justice.

With that goal in mind, our firm has kicked off our series of self-published articles detailing the science behind our work. Be sure to check out our “Articles” page on our website or tune in to our email newsletter to learn about these developments!

Case Focuses:///

Civil Plaintiff: Visibility Analysis of Female Pedestrian Hit by Cable Car///

After a San Francisco cable car catastrophically impacted an older pedestrian crossing the street, our firm worked with seasoned trial attorney Conor Kelly of Walkup Melodia Kelly Schoenberger to show what actually happened and what could have been seen by the driver.

Through 3D video reconstruction of a nearby security camera and the on-board security footage, we could precisely place the driver’s eye-level perspective and the pedestrian’s location in our 3D world. This enabled us to create a video that answers the question, “Could the driver have seen the pedestrian and brake in time to avoid this accident?” and show clearly, the answer would be a resounding and demonstrable “yes.” By detailing the resulting traumatic brain injuries and orthopedic injuries ahead of mediation, our work helped earn a monumental $11 million settlement for the plaintiff.

SF Standard: San Francisco cable car crash lawsuit pays out $11 million

Criminal Defense: Murder or Self-Defense Analysis for Apartment Stabbing///

While her client was under arrest and awaiting trial, experienced Bay Area criminal defense attorney Tehanita Tamani Taylor enlisted 3D Forensic to help visualize a fatal domestic incident involving a physical argument and accidental stabbing.

The incident arose one night when the defendant's boyfriend came home very drunk and engaged in a physical and verbal altercation with his girlfriend, Sarah. As the situation escalated, Sarah feared for her safety and ran to grab a large knife hidden underneath a chair in their living room. As he continued towards her, she held the knife aloft while on top of a staircase. She then claims that as the boyfriend continued towards her, the knife entered his collarbone area, resulting in critical bleeding that would lead to him bleeding out. She called 911 but was charged with murder.

After seeing 3DF's science-based reconstruction and animation, the jury elected to sentence Sarah to the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, rather than the overreaching murder charges presented by the DA.

“I have worked with Jason Fries and 3D Forensic for almost a decade. I could not have gotten such great trial results without their help and support. I never pass up an opportunity to encourage colleagues to use 3D Forensic on their cases.”

-Tamani Taylor, Taylor Law Office

Civil Defense: Flood Analysis through Interactive Pipeline Exhibit///

After a sewage blockage ruined a residential home, contentious debate ensued between the homeowner and the County’s sanitation district regarding who was at fault. The County alleged that if the blockage was in their system, it would have had to flood a number of other houses and manholes in order to flood the plaintiff’s home. To clearly communicate how the system worked, the County worked with 3D Forensic Inc to create a fully-interactive exhibit breaking down the sewage system for their understanding.

3D Forensic utilized Unreal Engine to develop this video-game engine-based exhibit that allowed attorneys and experts to highlight elevations, manholes and nearby homes that would have been affected if the issue was with their system. The exhibit was intuitively designed to show many points-of-view with the simple use of a computer mouse.

With our interactive exhibit, the County’s attorney broke the incident down in trial. The jury listened to both sides and determined that the County was not liable for the damages to the plaintiff’s home.


NACDL’s 17th Annual Forensics Seminar///

Reuniting with the nation’s finest criminal defense lawyers in Las Vegas is always a great experience! Focusing on the latest forensic technology and strategies helps ensure all are guaranteed a fair chance in trial. Thank you to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for the invite!

ASCDC MCLE Webinar///

We were glad to join the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel’s professional audience of trial defense attorneys to discuss the modern innovations available for their cases through forensic technology. Our firm is glad to offer free in-person or digital sessions breaking down the technology for law offices across the country.

FACDL Annual Gala///

Special thanks to the leadership of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for the invite to their Annual Gala in Miami! The journey to celebrate the association’s top attorneys and results was a great experience. As we continue to work on multiple cases in the Sunshine State, we look forward to connecting further with the community.

Justice Society Dinner///

As the featured speaker for May’s Justice Society gathering, 3D Forensic was grateful for the opportunity to introduce our specialties to this diligent organization. Special thanks to Joe Nazarian of Joe Naz Accident Lawyers in Newport Beach for hosting us and this event!

TLU Huntington Beach///

The renowned Trial Lawyer University conference always provides an opportunity for world-class education, connection and fun! The team demonstrated our latest forensic exhibits in Huntington Beach to the audience of experienced and rising trial attorneys while soaking up the sun.

Western Trial Lawyer Association: Summer Hawaii Conference///

CEO Jason Fries attended this year’s WTLA Hawaii Seminar at the Fairmont Kea Lani with a chance to reunite with the Western Trial Lawyer community.

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"We have used Jason Fries and his team twice to create medical videos depicting complex surgeries. The videos impressed both the jury and the defense attorneys. Perhaps most helpful, Jason will work on short notice and provide a persuasive product."

Robert Igleheart
Robert Igleheart

Rouda, Feder, Tietjen & McGuinn